Friday, May 3, 2013

Oh sadness,you can be such a downer

Sadness can make people uncomfortable. When others are sad we may feel helpless and guilt ridden over being unable to lift their spirits. When we are sad we may distract ourselves to the best of our ability. But it's only natural to feel sad once in a while. And giving in and really feeling that sadness can be a weight off of our shoulders. Running away from it is always detrimental to my emotional well being as I end up numbing myself completely then feeling an overall sense of subtle heaviness.

So often we feel the need to put on a happy face. I know myself, up until recently when asked how I was,  would always use the default reply "Good. You?" Then one day when asked how I was by an acquaintance, I caught myself and said "Actually..I'm not good." I didn't dump all of my problems on them but I didn't have to lie and put on a fake smile. They took me by surprise when they looked me in the eye and said "Thank you for your honesty."  I immediately felt a stronger connection to them and that inspired me to start being more honest about my feelings not only to others but to myself as well. Of course it is a work in progress but i'm getting better.

Life can be difficult and no one has it completely together. So it's nice to share in each other's misery once in a while because you know what .. we ALL feel down from time to time. It won't last forever. So let's really feel it and not be afraid. We can then let go and begin to heal.

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