Tuesday, May 7, 2013

If it ain't broke

Self improvement is something many of us strive for. But I think we all feel too much pressure to "perfect" ourselves. No one is perfect but we are sold images of these perfect people with perfect lives and we look at ourselves and think something must be missing. It makes us doubt our ability to be human. I've actually caught myself worrying about just being human and I had to give my head a shake because it turns out I already am human and have been since I was first born so I must be pretty damn good at it because i'm still alive!

As broken as we may feel sometimes, we are still alive. It's not over and you are not as fragile as you may feel. You are strong. Keep striving but remain you at the core. What you're doing, who you are, is enough. You've managed this far so as the old saying goes.."If it ain't broke!"

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