Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When you are your own antagonist

That evil villain, the annoying obstacle in that book or movie that you boo. The savior, the protagonist, the "good" guy. It's funny having the choice to be either one of those guys, the "good" or "bad" and choosing to be your own enemy. The opposing force that just won't let your story go the way you would like it to. Self sabotage is what it is.
I've never liked drama, despite my story so far but in me I have the potential to be the protagonist and the antagonist and I have always opted to be both. I don't really want to be, it just seems to happen. Then the whole self fulfilling prophecy thing happens and the good in me is destroyed by the bad, just temporarily but long enough to be left weakened and dizzy from the climactic scene in my story.
This is all well and good in movies or stories but when your life is a struggle between the two it is all too real. There are no rewind buttons and we don't have the luxury to pause and contemplate for as long as we want sometimes. Life can move pretty fast.
What we can do is realize that, yes, we have the potential to be our own worst enemy but we also have the potential to be our own hero. Our story isn't over and our hero is not dead.

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