Tuesday, April 30, 2013

English as a second language

As much as I enjoy writing, I have no delusions about my writing skills. I don't mean that in a bad way, I've just always had difficulty communicating what I'm feeling through words.

Take the word: love. I know what it means to me. But say I say "I love you." You take those words and use your own experiences and define the word yourself. Though the foundation of the word may be the same, it may mean something completely different to you. The word "love" is maybe one of the tougher words to define but in our everyday lives we encounter people using their own experiences and basically their own language to get across how they're feeling.

So often I'll feel as though English is my second language. I count on body language and affection to carry me through social situations in which I feel like a complete alien. Even those fail me sometimes and I end up "glaring" at someone when really I'm just zoning out or I want to give them a hug.

Being a human can be tricky. I'm trying to bring a little more simplicity to my life by just being but it's hard. Too often I'll feel as though i'm not eloquent enough or I've somehow forgotten how to be a human but the thing is everything we do and everything we say is just that: human. We already know how to be human, in all our imperfect glory, as misunderstood and alien as we may feel, we must remember that if we are all alone  in our experiences then we all share that, and we are never really alone.

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