Monday, September 23, 2013

Look what the cat dragged in..

It's been about 2 months since my last post and up until now I have had nothing at all to write about. Any spark of inspiration seemed to drown either in alcohol or my nagging depression. I'm not an alcoholic but I have been stuck in a rut.

I have, however started to feel a tingling sense of motivation and so I've decided to do a cleanse of sorts. Nothing intense, just no alcohol, no junk food, and no feeding myself silly. Alcohol hasn't been my only vice. This "cleanse" will only be a couple weeks but it will give me a chance to sneak a glimpse of a healthier me and will hopefully push me into a better lifestyle. I'm never going to be perfect but just trying to better myself in this small way is no small undertaking for me and I'm strangely proud of myself for it.

I've traded my beer for chia seed beverages and coconut water.

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