Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Food, be thy medicine

As early in my "cleanse" as I am, I'm already starting to feel much better. At this point I'm pretty sure it's just in my head but even so. My depressive nature tends to get me down about most things and with this it has limited power. Because yes, my depression is telling me I should stress binge and that even though I'm not craving alcohol, a glass of wine is always a good idea, but this is something I'm doing for me. To take care of myself and lessen those unrelenting attacks that give my depression strength. Having a slight understanding of how different foods are more beneficial for my depression and anxiety has helped but now the trick is to get a bit more creative with my diet so I'm not bored back into old thought patterns regarding my health. And to not starve myself. Eating healthy does not have to mean being hungry. So many people (including myself in the past) think just that and it scares them from exploring a new diet when this is far from being true. You can eat more by eating healthy (and guilt free too!). I happen to like eating and am not going to give up food. I am simply going to make better choices..for the most part ;)

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