Sunday, July 14, 2013

Whatever you do, do not panic.

I was absolutely fine. In no way was I in danger..of any kind. But I thought to myself "Now would be a horrible time for a panic attack" and guess what happened. "Fuck." I thought. This traffic is not moving. It hasn't moved in like half an hour and it's not going anywhere anytime soon. This single lane is a hazard. Someone could be dying in this traffic! Do you people not know how dangerous this is?!" Then I looked at the time and exactly 3 minutes had gone by. Oh no, there was no danger but my mind has a habit of turning on itself and there is my problem. It took all of 3 minutes to decide that someone (if not me) was going to die in that single lane and the construction workers were evil.

Distractions couldn't have made me happier. I was switching between taking pictures with my iphone, watching music videos and picking the hell out of my fingers, meanwhile humming and looking nervously from side to side. Really should not have had that espresso. It took about half an hour to get from one end of the block to the other and when I did, I screeched down the street at such a speed, even though I was calm just to be out of there.

Driving down that same road today, I saw a sign stating that there will be more construction this month and we will only have the one lane once again. Damn. Well i'm not giving up the espresso, so I better have my iphone fully charged.